Thursday, July 25, 2013

EDLD 5366 Personal Logo

My design seems extremely simple, but in a way so am I.  I feel that even though my design may not reflect the amount of knowledge I have learned; I have truly learned a great deal from this assignment.  I researched and played with several photo editing software programs.  I finally chose  This website is free and extremely easy to use.  I kept my original idea of using a light bulb to represent the ideas that I help teachers come up with.  I originally planned to use blue text in my logo to represent loyalty.  When working on the logo, I thought the blue looked cheesy (for lack of a better word).  I decided to stick with plain, black font color.  I feel the color of the font ties it into the image and creates a cohesive look to the logo.  I am pleased with my logo.  It is simple and understated like me. 

Friday, July 5, 2013

EDLD 5363 Group Project

Below is the link to our group project over comparing fractions. I was extremely fortunate to have such an amazing group. Thank you Becky Brandon, Joseph Cantu, James Coates and Scott January!

EDLD 5363 Web Conference Reflections

Week 1-June 4, 2013 @ 7:00 pm: I missed the Week 1 web conference due to Mom and Me swim lessons with my son. I came home and immediately began watching the recording. To my surprise, everyone instantly started forming groups. I was in an absolute panic. I went to our Facebook group and pleaded for anyone to accept me into his or her already formed group. As I posted in Facebook, James Coates was asking for the same help from a group. Joseph Cantu came to the rescue and invited James and I to join his group with Becky Brandon and Scott January. I was immediately relieved. The web conference set the expectations for the course and gave a good overview of things to come.

 Week 4-June 29, 2013 @ 10:00 am: I was unable to attend this web conference as well. I am extremely grateful that Dr. Abernathy records the conferences. Dr. Abernathy confirmed that nothing is due in Week 4 , but we needed to make sure we are writing in our Google doc each week. She also clarified that no reflections, or discussions are required this week. We need to put the link to our final Google site with our video in the Week 4 Discussion. Dr. Abernathy spent the remainder of the conference clarifying the same type questions. Watching the conference made me feel like I was on the right track for the final week ahead.