Thursday, July 25, 2013

EDLD 5366 Personal Logo

My design seems extremely simple, but in a way so am I.  I feel that even though my design may not reflect the amount of knowledge I have learned; I have truly learned a great deal from this assignment.  I researched and played with several photo editing software programs.  I finally chose  This website is free and extremely easy to use.  I kept my original idea of using a light bulb to represent the ideas that I help teachers come up with.  I originally planned to use blue text in my logo to represent loyalty.  When working on the logo, I thought the blue looked cheesy (for lack of a better word).  I decided to stick with plain, black font color.  I feel the color of the font ties it into the image and creates a cohesive look to the logo.  I am pleased with my logo.  It is simple and understated like me. 

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