Sunday, September 8, 2013

EDLD 5364 Week Two Reflection

I really enjoyed the Week 2 videos from  They explained the reasoning behind the UDL lesson plan model and why it is necessary.  I like how they pointed out items that we use everyday that are useful for many people, including those with disabilities.  I must admit that I tend to always have specific students or disabilities in mind when making my lesson modifications.  I need to offer those same modifications to all children.  Doing this might help them have a better understanding of the concept.

The readings were informative, but I still wonder if the information would be the same if the articles were more current.  The article by Michael Page states that “reports on the effectiveness of technology in education have tended to produce conflicting results, and there are many educational technology projects currently enacted that provide weak justification for the investment in technology through non-significant gains in student performance.” (Page, 2002)  Technology in the classroom has made enormous strides in the past 10 years.  I would be extremely interested to see if a more recent examination provided the same results. (nd). Retrieved from

Page, M. S. (2002). Technology-enriched classrooms: Effects on students of low socioeconomic status. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 34(4), 389–409. Retrieved from the International Society of Education at

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